London Marathon - here I come!

Well as you can tell, keeping a diary isn't my strongest talent! Problem is, I read several fellow runners blogs which are excellent (I'm not going to name them - they're already too big headed!) and I'm not a natural talent at story telling.

Much has occurred in the last 6 months for me, both running wise and home life! Running has been going well. No major physical problems anyway. On a personal front, our 3 year old (soon to be 4 - she keeps a daily countdown of how many sleeps before she becomes a big girl of 4!!) daughter Lily was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis (NF1). That kind of rocked me and the wife a little I won't lie.

What it led to was a bit crazy. I was feeling a tad useless about the whole situation - so I asked The Neuro Foundation if I could run the London Marathon on their behalf, which unfortunately they agreed to. I only needed to raise £2000....

After much consulting with the wife and several staff at work on the feasibility of such a goal, I signed on the dotted line.

As it is, with much generosity of friends & family and my team at work doing so much fund raising on my behalf (I should take this chance to mention a couple of them in particular - though I'm not convinced they can read ;) Sue, Paula, Andrea have each been superb with ideas and giving up their own time to help me - I wouldn't have raised as much as I have without them. I should also say that many of the team at work have baked cakes etc in their own time too - its really appreciated!) we hit the end of December at £1615!! Amazing!!!

I'm going to do my level best to keep up with this blog through out the training. For 2 weeks its been raining pretty much, which I actually quite like as I like running in the rain (I can picture in my mind the face that my dad would have pulled at that statement - it would have been deadpan, but behind the Gamble brown eyes he would have been thinking...."I've got an idiot for a son!") Dad was never what you would have described as physically I get this love of running from someone else....the milkman perhaps?

The training started in earnest 2 weeks before Christmas, just what we runners call base building (simply put - you run consistently each week before starting a training programme) This is the first week of the training plan.

Wish me luck


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