God & Stubbornness

For those that know me will verify, I am not a religious man. Never have been. I have no issue with those that have faith and in truth, at times in my life, I've been a little envious of those that do. But there's always been something in the back of mind that, if God was real, I'd love to ask him. None of the obvious things like why have war, famine or other atrocities (though they're worthy questions) but something more personal to me: why am I so stubborn?

It's a crappy trait to have. But today, I got the answer. This mornings run was a 15 miler...the longest run I've ever done. The weather was perfect; clear blue skies & nice and crisp. Last Sundays weather was awful: torrential rain the whole time with gales etc etc - & yet I preferred last week's run a lot more. I desperately wanted to stop today & go home. That urge started early on in the run & didn't leave me. Everything hurt & I just didn't want to be doing it. But my secret power came through: it was a real life battle of 2 people inside me arguing about whether to carry on or quit. The only reason the stubborn bloke won was he knew how utterly pissed off I'd have been that night - & no matter what you do you can never take it back.

I can be horrendously stubborn at times (as my poor wife will testify) but today I am glad that I am. I nailed a tough run.


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