2 weeks to London

Wow. I haven't blogged since the start of February! My running since then has been eventful. I've been to Running School for a start. It's a 6 week programme where they teach you how to run correctly. I know what you're thinking....how can you be running the London Marathon & not already know how to run correctly. They've taught me how to run biomechanically correctly. It's been a really hard 6 week course. Paul, the teacher, was great. Very knowledgeable & pushed me in some very hard sessions. I want to hate him for the pain I went through - but he's one of life's "nice blokes". The point of the running school was due to the fact that pain in my right knee was getting crazy in Feb. Attending Running School has meant that I've not been able to stick to my training plan but I'm hoping that it'll be worth it in 2 weeks time. Without a doubt the journey to London has been challenging - way more than I had anticipated. Work h...